The (in)complete subject and the time (in)capsule: failure as constitutive of the subject and society
Subject, discoursive knowledge, incompleteness, statement.Abstract
By starting from the theoretical assumption that the meaning is determined by the positions occupied by the subjects within the discourse, besides regarding the sociohistorical context and the memory (the discoursive knowledge, the already-said). This paper aims to bring to analyse the notions of incompleteness of the language as constitutive of the subject and the society. In order to do it, the assumptions from the French Discourse Analysis were taken into consideration. The analysis focused on the materiality of discourse of a statement inscribed on a silver plate in a concrete flagstone, on the floor at the entrance of the National Museum, located in Quinta da Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro city. After the analysis of the selected excerpt, the conclusion disclosed that, based on the constitution of the subject within the language and by the language, the incompleteness, the failure, comes out.Downloads
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