The relationship between tense and aspect categories and the teaching of the portuguese language: how do textbooks do it?
Tense. Aspect. Textbooks. Language teaching.Abstract
This research aims to analyze how two Portuguese language textbooks from the 6th grade middle school (Tecendo Linguagens e Apoema) approach the relationship between the linguistic categories tense and aspect. The research has as a starting point the discussions about those categories in light of the Enunciation perspective based on Benveniste (2006), Flores (2013), Travaglia (2016), among others; and about mother tongue teaching, supported by Possenti (1996), Antunes (2007), Bagno (2001), and Neves (2003). The matter analyzed were the author’s viewpoint about language and grammar in each textbook, as well as the examples and questions’ statements referring to the categories. Furthermore, a comparison was made between the two books, which pointed out similarities addressing the activities to identify verbal tenses, and differences regarding the categories’ approach, thus while the book Tecendo Linguagens prioritize more formal questions, favoring the tense category, the textbook Apoema also elicits reflections about the aspect category, besides the formal tense approach, and meaning making.Downloads
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