The argumentative connecting construction [p(a)ra lá de X]: an usage-based analysis
Grammatical construction, [p(a)ra lá de X], argumentative connection.Abstract
In this article, we investigate the argumentative connecting construction formed by the subparts para, lá and de, plus an element X, which can be an abstract name or a reduced infinitive sentence, coded as [p(a)ra lá de X]CA. This construction is divided into two subgroups, depending on the completion of X. From the perspective of Usage-Based Linguistics, in terms of Traugott and Trousdale (2013) and Hilpert (2014), among others, we assume that this scheme is configured as a member of class of argumentative connectors of Portuguese, competing with other members of this category for instantiation in contemporary use. In qualitative analysis, we found that [p(a)ra lá de X]CA is a complex construction, partially schematic and compositional, not very productive in the language, fulfilling a grammatical function, instantiated as another strategy of persuasion available to users.Downloads
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