From landscape to linguistic landscape as heritage or from practice to theory: for a typology of linguistic landscape
Linguistic Landscape. Linguistic Patrimony. Practice. Theory. Typology of the Linguistic Landscape.Abstract
The landscape has been studied in several disciplines. In the field of Linguistics, the so-called “linguistic landscape” has appeared, which has been analysed from various angles, including an interdisciplinary approach. It is a subject that also matters to the Linguistic Patrimony at various levels. The questions need to be answered: To what extent will the landscape be linguistic? Do you see only or read the landscape too? Investigations are underway on the matter. Going from practice to theory, it has been observed that there are several levels, that is, steps, to be considered to establish a typology of the Linguistic Landscape. Thus, one starts from the landscape itself, without any linguistic mark, passing through those that gain sporadic or permanent signs, in a small and countable number or countless because they multiply.Downloads
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