Portuguese language in its standard variety: Case study in an electronic serial
Portuguese language, linguistic varieties, standard, variety, electronic serial.Abstract
Verbal language is not a homogeneous block. Beside his records, which simplify correspond to formality and informality, it is presented in the form of historical, geographical, age and social varieties. In the latter, we insert the so-called cultured norm, which, by a convention, is recognized as the standard variety, of which we make use as emitters or receivers. Therefore and considering our vernacular language, our aim here is undertake an approach of the standard variety, illustrating it through a sample of communicative occurrences, which, taken in a Brazilian electronic serial, have their roots in the Iberian Portuguese, or European Portuguese. To this end, together with the philologists Erich Auerbach and Aires da Mata Machado Filho, the scholars of the traditional grammar Wagner da Rocha Sena and Jânia Martins Ramos, the linguists Ferdinand de Saussure, Joaquim Mattoso Câmara Júnior and Leonor Scliar-Cabral subsidized this article.Downloads
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