Critical reflections on Gramática do Português Brasileiro Escrito
Grammaticography, Brazilian Portuguese, Standard NormAbstract
Within the scope of Linguistic Historiography — specifically grammaticography (SWIGGERS, 2020), inserted in the grammatization process (AUROUX, 1992) —, this article aims to critically reflect on methodological procedures and contestable normative lessons present in Gramática do português brasileiro escrito (FARACO and VIEIRA, 2023), investigating on it certain advances focused on establishing a new standard norm — epistemologically further from the grammatical tradition and centered solely on Brazilian Portuguese in its formal written form, based on journalistic and academic languages. For this, normative rules established by linguists were compared with those found, above all, in representative traditional grammars from the second half of the 20th century written by Brazilian authors and with its data recorded in recent research on the written standard of contemporary Brazilian Portuguese (PESTANA, 2023), in order to confirm wheter linguistic norm present in this grammar is the result of scientific observation or arbitrariness.
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