Languages and language rights in Portugal: an overview of current legislation
language rights, minority languages, Portuguese Sign Language, Mirandes, BarranquianAbstract
This paper discusses linguistic diversity and language rights, with a focus on official documentation, such as current laws and decrees, in Portugal. It is a bibliographic and documentary-based exploratory study. The study aims to answer how the policy of language officialization is presented in the country. The goals are: i) to analyze the current legislation about the statute of languages, linguistic rights, and (political) actions of the state and speakers; ii) to discuss linguistic diversity, starting from the socio-history of speech and (some) linguistic particularities of the official languages. The analysis is focused on the languages: Portuguese, Portuguese Sign Language, Mirandês, and Barranquenho. We conclude that in the first two decades of the 21st century, several political initiatives in favor of minority languages and multilingualism in the country have put on the agenda the promotion, preservation, and (re)vitalization of languages in Portugal, but there is an emergency of investment in teaching, written production in the official languages and funding of scientific studies - in particular the contribution of linguistic studies.
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