Contributions of Systemic-Functional Linguistics to the Understanding Female Marginalization in the Genre Series
Systemic-functional linguistics, Domestic violence, Genre seriesAbstract
People signify the world and act in it through socio-semiotic artifacts by (re) semiotizing beliefs, values, etc. with evaluative signs. In this context, we would like to answer the question of how the application of a socio-semiotic analysis can contribute to the denaturalization of violence against women in the series. As a general aim, we semiotically analyze the multilingual modes and assess how female marginalization manifests itself. This is justified by the need to denaturalize sexist stereotypes that marginalize women’s identity. Methodologically, we have selected three excerpts from the series “Bom dia, Verônica” from the first season on Netflix, which show scenes of domestic violence related to social semiotics. Here, we focus on systemic-functional grammar, emphasizing the (extra)linguistic level structured by the cultural and situational context, as well as the way the verbal semiotic system represents people in the world and the relationships they have. To summarize, the verbal semiotic system denounces the invisibility of women through lexicogrammatical strategies that are shaped by ideologies, culture and identity construction.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Clara Gonçalves Ramos, Arlete Ribeiro Nepomuceno, Vera Lúcia Viana de Paes

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