Contributions of phonology and discourse analysis to the explanation of linguistic variation in Brazilian Portuguese




Phonology of Brazilian portuguese, Language, Phonological processes


This article aims to show that languages change, are subject to change and therefore cannot stand still. For the study of discourse, we have used the assumptions of discourse analysis by Pêcheux (1997) and Orlandi (1998, 2002, 2006, 2012). For the study of phonology, we used Seara, Nunes and Lazzarotto (2011) and Azeredo (2008). We used the bibliographic method and an analytical-descriptive approach based on the analysis of the corpus of the Norma Urbano Culta Project (NURC/RJ). We try to analyze the deletions at the beginning, within and at the end that reduce words. The result shows that this language change process is something historical. At present, however, it is established that it has a compelling cause: Colloquial and even cultivated language has taken on the aspects of liquidity and agility of the information age. We assume that we are increasingly in search of a synthetic and efficient language.


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Author Biography

Leandro Freitas Menezes, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)




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