On the study of Speculative Grammar in Medieval Portugal: the sources of the Alcobacensis Notabilia (1427)
Latin, Middle Ages, Cistercian Order, Alcobaça Monastery, Notabilia, Grammaticae Proverbiandi, Romanciare, ProverbiareAbstract
The most important Latin-Portuguese medieval meta-linguistic treatise remains unpublished mainly because of its difficulty in reading, the large number of folios, and the complexity of the subject. It belonged to the Cistercian monastery of Alcobaça and is now in the Portuguese National Library, Codex Alc. 79. The manuscript bears the “incipit” Hic incipiunt notabilia que fecit cunctis and is commonly known by the Latin noun notabilia [remarkable things]. The manuscript is a voluminous work, copied (perhaps) by two hands. It is divided into 31 chapters. The text cites several primary sources, such as Donatus (mid-4th century), Priscianus (late 5th to early 6th century), Alexandre de Villedieu (ca. 1170–ca. 1250), Giovanni Balbi da Genova (fl. 1286–1298), and two pre-modist or speculative grammarians, Pierre Hélie (ca. 1100–-after-1166) and Robert Kilwardby (c. 1215–1279), but it may also have other unnamed sources, such as the Catalan-Aragonese grammaticae proverbiandi and the Italian Notabilia in Grammaticam by Giovanni da Soncino (? –c. 1363).
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